Thursday, May 31, 2012

Quick Update! -- Happy Summer :)

Good Morning! I hope you all are having a fantastic week after the long, Memorial Day Weekend. 
Wishing all of those who serve and have served our country a belated "Thank You" for all that you do. 
I know you all have been waiting on the next Polish of the Week post, but to tell you the truth I've been giving my nails a break from polish for the past week. Sometimes you just have to let them breathe and go al naturale. 
My next post will be a little later than I planned and here's why. My husband is in the Navy and stationed in Virginia, but this week he is on leave so we are taking a vacation and going back home to Florida! I'm not sure what the wifi situation will be where we are staying so I wanted to keep you all updated and give you a heads up on what to look for on For The Love Of Beauty very soon! 
What vacations will you be taking this summer? I'd love for you to share!
Have a great rest of the week and weekend!


  1. Happy Summer to you too! Enjoy your time with your hubby!

  2. I love your blog, it's just beautiful and awesome! :) Happy summer!!


  3. Thank you Diana and Susanna. Love both of your blogs!
