Friday, January 11, 2013

Get to Know Jessica, 1-On-1! A letter from the face of 4TLOB!

What is For The Love of Beauty 101?

To love what you do, is to love what you love. I love being able to submerse myself in beauty every day of my life. You will never fully know what being happy with your job is, until your job involves doing something you love everyday. For me, I'm happiest when I'm surrounded by all things involving beauty. Makeup, skincare, hair, nails, fashion; some may say these are superficial things to love, but those people have never experienced being a part of a deeper kind of beauty. Never underestimate the impact that a tube of lipstick or mascara may have on the heart and the life of not only the person wearing it, but the person applying it. The "beauty" of being in the beauty industry is this: Change can be seen instantly. There is no waiting on life's indefinite timeline in order to see results. Therefore, something as small as an eyeshadow or lipstick can change another's life in just the same instance. The gratification you get from bringing to light a person's inner beauty to the exterior is a feeling that you cannot ever get tired of experiencing. This is why I named this blog, For The Love of Beauty, because beauty is what I am passionate about and I want to share my passion with all of you through these tutorials and posts, therefore adding the "101." Makeup is a skill that can be taught and learned by anyone.

Remember these two things; "Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside and out." & "A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear."


Jessica Johnson

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